Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

Raceway Catalog Creation

Allows you to create a new catalog using existing catalogs included with the Bentley Raceway and Cable Management install.

Accessed from:
  • Manage Ribbon > Project Setup Tool Group
Edit Mode The edit mode offers two options:
  • New: Allows you to create a new catalog. Use the Select Catalog drop down list to select which catalog to use as a template.
  • Edit: Allows you to edit an existing catalog. You can select a catalog option from the Select Catalog drop down list to edit its properties.
Note: When editing a catalog name, the catalog file name will not be changed, even if you change the name in the dialog.
Available template system Select the type of raceway template to use for the catalog. The following options are available:
  • Cable Tray
  • Cable Ladder
  • Cable Basket
  • Conduits
Select template catalog Select a catalog to use as a template for the raceway components.
Note: Using existing catalogs speeds up the process when creating catalogs as you can select predefined sizes to use for the catalog, as opposed to using the Generic option which requires you to create each component record from scratch.
Catalog Name Enter a descriptive name for the new catalog. Notice the field name displays in Red identifying it as a field that requires a value.
Save in system The default system will be the same as the template system selected.

You can also select the New option and enter a new system name to be created for the catalog if desired. Any new system will be available for selection from the System drop down list of the Raceway Router when routing new raceway components.

Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer name in the field. If you are using one of the default catalogs, the manufacturer name is automatically used.
Raceway size grid In the Raceway size grid, you will determine the different sizes to be used in the catalog.

When working from an existing catalog, the existing sizes are listed in this section. Use the multi-select method to select which sizes to include in the catalog.

OK Once you have defined all of the Settings, Sizes, Fittings etc. for the catalog, click OK to create it. Once created, it will be available for selection from the catalog drop down list in the Raceway Router dialog when routing new raceway components.
Cancel Cancels the catalog creation process without saving any of the changes.